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Alea supports more than 600 Google fonts and you can set different fonts for your Navigation, Submenu, Headings, Body Text, Buttons etc.
Alea is a diverse WordPress theme suitable for a variety of websites: Company, Blog, eCommerce
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type pulvinar specimen book.
Mauris viverra scelerisque mauris. Nulla facilisis, elit malesuada pretium egestas, dolor arcu commodo est, at egestas massa tortor ut ante. Etiam eget libero. Aenean pretium, tellus sed sodales semper, turpis purus aliquet orci, pulvinar ornare odio tortor sit amet dui.
Modern & Attractive, Pixel-perfect Design
Top Notch Functionality & Backend
You are in good Hands, dear Folks
Alea Theme Features
Stunning Design
Alea WordPress theme features a highly customized version of Visual Composer. It helps you create highly customizable page elements with just the click of a few buttons.
We created around 30 custom shortcodes that have so many customization options that your mind will be blown.
Alea Features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder plugins out there.
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